How to Identify Early High Blood Pressure Symptoms in Older Adults

Image Source | PIXABAY

If the symptoms of high blood pressure in the elderly are recognized early. So it can lead to early diagnosis of the disease. Also, it can aid in the prevention of conditions including heart, renal, and stroke.

According to the researchers, the symptoms of high blood pressure are not prominent in most of the patients. Therefore it is also called silent killer. However, some symptoms in elderly people may indicate high blood pressure.

Headache is a common symptom associated with high blood pressure. Especially when it is sharp. High blood pressure can also cause symptoms like dizziness or lightheadedness. And these symptoms are often found in elderly people. when they abruptly get out of a seated or laying position.

Vision problems, such as blurred vision or spots, can be a sign of high blood pressure in the elderly. Because high blood pressure can also damage the blood vessels in the eye.

Shortness of breath is also associated with high blood pressure. High blood pressure can cause fluid to accumulate in the lungs. Which can cause difficulty in breathing.

Apart from this, fatigue, confusion, nosebleeds, chest pain or swelling in the ankles are also among the symptoms of high blood pressure.
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